Blackstar is an American animated television series, developed by Filmation. It originally aired over CBS between 12 September and 5 December 1981.
John Blackstar is an astronaut from Earth. Following his spacecraft being swept through a black hole, he crashes onto Sagar. There, he asssists the Trobbits in their fight against the Overlord, for the Powersword and the Starsword.[1]
Episode list[]
Title | Airdate |
Search for the Starsword | 12 September 1981 |
City of the Ancient Ones | 19 September 1981 |
The Lord of Time | 26 September 1981 |
The Mermaid of Serpent Sea | 3 October 1981 |
The Quest | 10 October 1981 |
Spacewrecked | 17 October 1981 |
Lightning City of the Clouds | 24 October 1981 |
Kingdom of Neptul | 31 October 1981 |
Tree of Evil | 7 November 1981 |
The Air Whales of Anchar | 14 November 1981 |
The Overlord's Big Spell | 21 November 1981 |
The Crown of the Sorceress | 28 November 1981 |
The Zombie Masters | 5 December 1981 |